ateb, a local based organisation which was founded in 1981 originally known as Pembrokeshire Housing Association. They have built up a reputation for the delivery of new, affordable homes for both rural and urban communities with a high level of service to its tenants and communities. Promoting independent living is also a high priority.

Last year their staff were asked to nominate 3 charities, one of which was Paul Sartori Hospice at Home. “We choose our charities via staff nominations to ensure we are supporting charities close to the hearts of our workforce” said Joanne Thomas, ateb HR Advisor.

Their events and charity committee organised a range of fundraising activities including numerous bring and buy lunch buffets, cake sales, Wimbledon cream tea event, a Christmas jumper day and a staff member kindly donated his Fantasy Football winnings.

They have raised a fantastic total of £353.34 for Paul Sartori Hospice at Home. “We are extremely grateful to receive this donation from ateb” said Lisa Wells the Income Generation Team Administrator. “It is through the generosity of local companies like ateb that we can continue to provide this much needed service, which is available free of charge, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.” Lisa continued.

Read more Paul Sartori news here:

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