One of Pembrokeshire’s most well-known charities has been recognised for the care and respite it provides to people living in the later stages of a life limiting illness.


Paul Sartori Hospice at Home is the latest recipient of the Pride in Pembrokeshire award.

In arriving at its decision, judges were impressed with the sustainable nature of the charity’s work, its commitment to volunteering and the networks it has built with local agencies.


‘It is clear that Paul Sartori Hospice at Home makes a substantial contribution to improving the well-being of individuals and families, and indeed towards the well-being of the County as a whole,’ said the Chair of the PSB, Tegryn Jones.’


Paul Sartori Hospice at Home was established over 35 years ago and now consist of 46 part time and 21 full time members of staff; 8 active trustees, 350 volunteers and 42 voting members who have supported the rise in demand from 625 patients 2015 to over 1300 patients in 2018


The Hospice at Home service covers Pembrokeshire providing a wide range of free services to people over 18.  They provide 24 hour, 365 day a year care including hands on nursing care, equipment loan, complementary therapy, bereavement counselling, physiotherapy, clinical nurse specialist advise and symptom control, advanced care planning and training.


“Our aim is to provide sustainable services that promote good end of life care in Pembrokeshire,” said Sandra Dade, Charity Manager. “The services we provide enables people in the later stages of any life limiting illness to be cared for and to die at home with dignity, independence and pain free and to be surrounded by those they hold most dear if that is their wish. Winning this award recognises the hard work and dedication from all involved, especially all those who provide vital funds, without which we could not deliver our services. We are thrilled that our level of care has been acknowledged in this way.” Sandra continued.


Launched in 2017, the Pride in Pembrokeshire Awards are a partnership between the Pembrokeshire Public Services Board (PSB) and the Western Telegraph – with each winning entry awarded £200.


To submit an application for the next Pride in Pembrokeshire £200 cheque, download the application form from the PAVS website – – or contact PAVS on 01437 769422 to receive a hard copy.


For more information about Paul Sartori Hospice at Home Services and ways to help visit, or by phone 01437 763223