On Saturday 10th September, South Pembrokeshire Golf Club in Pembroke Dock held their Lady Captains Charity Day. The current Lady Captain, Carol Leslie, decided that the annual event was this year to be held in aid of Paul Sartori Foundation, the Pembrokeshire based Hospice at Home Charity which provides a range of services to people living in the final stages of a life-limiting illness.
This years tournament attracted over 70 golfers which included both club members and visitors, who kindly gave generous donations for the chosen charity. The Lady Captains Charity Day was also supported by many local businesses. As a result of the successful golfing event, a total of £1045.00 was raised.
At the recent cheque presentation with Paul Sartori, Carol Leslie said “The Foundation is very close to my heart and being Lady Captain has given me the opportunity to help raise money for your deserving Charity which serves the community so well.”

Carol continued to say “As a District Nurse I worked very closely with the cause and saw first-hand the wonderful support you have provided to the people of Pembrokeshire. More personally and very recently my Mum sadly passed away and I was very privileged to care for her at home, again with the dedicated support of the Foundation.”
“It is through the generosity of the Pembrokeshire people raising and donating vital funds that we are able to continue to provide this much needed service for anyone in the later stages of any life limiting illness. The services are available free of charge, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year” said Sandra Dade, Charity Manager at Paul Sartori Hospice at Home.
The services provided by the Paul Sartori Hospice at Home enable people in the later stages of any life-limiting illness to be cared for and to die at home with dignity, independence, pain free and surrounded by those they hold most dear, if that is their wish.
All of the services are free of charge and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, thanks to the generosity of the Pembrokeshire Community.
To read more Paul Sartori news, click here
To find out more about South Pembrokeshire Golf Club, visit http://www.southpembsgc.co.uk/