For a second time, Milford Haven Town Council has chosen to support Paul Sartori Hospice at Home after an application for financial assistance was submitted to its members. The application was focused on a contribution towards the core running costs in delivering day and night home nursing care that the charity provides in Milford Haven. Deputy Mayor, Councillor William Elliot, said that the Town Council was more than happy to help.
The Deputy Mayor of Milford Haven, Councillor William Elliott said, “It is a privilege for the Milford Haven Town Council to be able to continue to support this important and vital service, who enable much needed support and care to residents within our community; at a time when it is most required. The work of Paul Sartori is incredibly important, and we thank them for all they do, not only for members of our community, but also the county.”
Paul Sartori is a registered charity providing quality end of life care and a range of free services to families living in Pembrokeshire. Specialised supportive care and advice is available for patients, family members and carers operating an open referral system. Working to an exceptionally high standard, not only in home nursing care but a wide range of other services, most of which can be delivered directly into the patient’s own homes. The charity’s mission is “to provide sustainable services that promote good end of life care in Pembrokeshire.”
During November 2023, the Paul Sartori Nursing Team cared for 25 patients within the Milford Haven area. This support enabled patients to be cared for at home, with dignity, were helped with their independence and supported with their wish to die at home. Funding such as this generously given by Milford Haven Town Council helps towards this support in the community and enables the charity to continue to offer other opportunities to Milford Haven residents.
Families who live in Pembrokeshire facing an end-of-life diagnosis can benefit from the services offered by the charity. Paul Sartori is here to help during a difficult time. However, the charity does rely on the support of its local community to ensure the future of the charity.
The charity is therefore encouraging all Community and Town Councils in Pembrokeshire to contribute towards the services provided by the charity in all areas of Pembrokeshire, which includes: Day & Night Hands-on Nursing Care, Equipment Loans, Complementary Therapy, Counselling Services, Physiotherapy, Future Care Planning and Training/Education.
For enquiries on how to donate or help the charity, please contact Grant Development Officer, Judith Williams, at
Picture: Judith Williams, Grant Development Officer at Paul Sartori with Councillor William Elliot, Deputy Mayor at Milford Haven Town Council.