Photo:– This is ‘Sartori Bear’ – he loves pickle and jam sandwiches (in the same sandwich); he tries to save as many other Teds as possible from the dreaded land of Landfill; his favourite pass time is sniffing out forgotten treasure from donations, he then cleans them up, photographs them with his Grandfathers 1930s box brownie, and lists them on tedbay!  He has customers all over the world including Bruno Bear in Borneo, Cynthia Bear in Sydney, Fritz Hound in Hungary and Davina Doll in Denmark!


Paul Sartori Hospice at Home has invested in a new e-commerce project to diversify their income stream.  Paul Sartori currently have 11 shops throughout the county and are now progressing with this exciting challenge of raising additional funds for Pembrokeshire’s only Hospice at Home Service.

Soon to be officially released, Paul Sartori have recently prepared figures for their financial year 2016 to 2017, and they have seen: a 25% increase on direct service provision, 17% increase in number of hours care, 23% increase in complementary therapy and a staggering 38% increase in counselling and bereavement support.  The charity has recognised that these increases need to be supported to ensure services remain free. The sales generated through the retail shops at Paul Sartori currently contribute in excess of 40% of the income needed to support all services.

A new member to the Paul Sartori team has been recruited to support this project.  Simon Reason, who has been appointed as the E-Commerce Manager has passion and drive for the project, stating “Every day, generous local supporters donate an amazing array of valuable items. E-Commerce will enable us to show and sell some of these amazing Charity Shop Treasure Finds, to both National & International audiences”.  Simon’s previous role with the charity was a Warehouse & Distribution Centre Van Driver, so he is well aware of the importance of the charity in the community through its services and also retail support.

Simon is not only listing exciting items, with the help of “Sartori Bear” on ebay, Facebook and other online portals but also busy looking for volunteers and together with Caroline White, the Volunteer Coordinator for Paul Sartori, they are appealing to people who have an interest in antiques and memorabilia, taking pictures, experience on social media platforms and want to help this Pembrokeshire based charity.  “We are looking for all different ages, from all different backgrounds”, mentioned Caroline adding, “Volunteer training and ongoing support will be offered to successful candidates”.  Caroline urges anyone interested in any volunteering, to contact her directly on 01437 763223 or email her

Further information on current items for sale visit