Angela Lewis of New Hedges, near Tenby has fundraised for Paul Sartori Hospice at Home and other charities for many years. Having previously trekked across the Himalayas with the Paul Sartori team; in their first overseas trek, surviving a cyclone and being the first member of the group to have a leech experience, Angela is not shy of a challenge. Now retired from Santander, Angela is travelling, enjoying her grandchildren and challenging herself more and more. Swimming was not one of her strengths; so in true Angela style she decided to take part in the Tenfoot Swim and raise money again for local charity Paul Sartori.
Angela said, “The Tenfoot swim was the hardest challenge I have ever done. I swam in the sea every day with a group and on my own but nothing prepared me for the Tenby to Saundersfoot swim on the day. The current made it very difficult and it was, what seemed at a snail’s pace that I approached Monkton point where I thought I would have to give up, but I just kept going, which I am so glad I did and made it to my family waiting on the other side”
Ceri Price, Administrator said, “I was in awe listening to Angela’s story, she is an inspiration. On behalf of the Paul Sartori Foundation I was able to personally thank Angela for choosing our vital Hospice at Home service as the beneficiary of her fundraising and also congratulate Angela in conquering her personal challenge”

Paul Sartori Hospice at Home provides a range of services to Pembrokeshire people living in the final stages of a life-limiting illness, including home nursing care, equipment loan, complementary therapy, bereavement and counselling support, clinical nurse specialist in palliative care, physiotherapy, advance care planning and training.
The services provided by the Paul Sartori Hospice at Home enable people in the later stages of any life-limiting illness to be cared for and to die at home with dignity, independence, pain free and surrounded by those they hold most dear, if that is their wish.
All of the services are free of charge and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, thanks to the generosity of the Pembrokeshire Community.
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