We are fortunate to receive a high volume of donations on a daily basis which need to be sorted almost as soon as they are donated.
From bric a brac, to clothes and books, to DVD’s, all items which are donated are categorised by their sale-ability or recycling properties.
This role is quite physical and not for the faint hearted as it is quite labour intensive but endlessly interesting. We’ve been extremely fortunate to have received some fascinating donations over the years including a mammoths tooth, a troika pottery vase and WW2 U-boat binoculars.
We also receive designer items and brand new goods occasionally. As a sorter you need an eye for brands and quality but also need to be able to meet the challenge of the quantity of goods we thankfully receive.

The people of Pembrokeshire are extraordinarily generous with the donations they give us and without their donations we wouldn’t be able to stock our stores. This does mean that we are always searching for volunteers who are willing and able to sort through bags and boxes of donations identifying what we can sell and what needs to be recycled.
If you think that you are up for a challenge and want to make a difference then please get in touch today.
If you would like to join us as a volunteer, below are the documents you need.
Please read them all as they will give you lots of useful information:
The following documents need to be returned to us once they are completed: Volunteer Registration Form and Volunteer Agreement.
Once you have completed them please email them to lisa@paulsartori.org
Check out our other volunteering roles:
Volunteer Upcycling Sales Assistant