Tegryn Welfare Committee arranged a Coffee morning in memory of Sioned James, this was held on Saturday 9th February. The Coffee morning was extremely successful, the committee were amazed at the fantastic turnout. It was held at The Clydau Community Hall and they raised a staggering £2,230.05 on the day. They chose to support Paul Sartori Hospice at Home, as they had helped Sioned James and her family through a very difficult time.


A member of Tegryn Welfare Committee, Maureen Butler said “Thank you to Paul Sartori for coming to receive the cheque, the family have been overwhelmed by the support from everyone and money is still coming in. Thanks for all the work you and your team do.”


Toni Dorkings, Community Fundraiser for Paul Sartori said “Thank you to all that contributed to this wonderful Coffee morning and raising such a fantastic amount of money to help fund the vital services that we offer to Pembrokeshire people at the end of life.”


The Paul Sartori Hospice at Home Service provides a range of services to Pembrokeshire people living in the final stages of a life limiting illness, including home nursing care, equipment loan, complementary therapy, bereavement and counselling support, clinical nurse specialist in palliative care, physiotherapy, advance care planning and training.


The services provided by the Paul Sartori Hospice at Home Service enable people in the later stages of any life limiting illness to be cared for and to die at home with dignity, independence, pain free and surrounded by those they hold most dear if that is their wish.


Services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, thanks to the kind generosity of the Pembrokeshire Community.