A coffee morning in memory of Jo Beck of Carew; who died on 19th April was held at Upton Castle, Cosheston on Friday 10th May by Prue Barlow and Julia Mathias, sisters in law of Jo.  The coffee morning helped to raise vital funds for Paul Sartori Hospice at Home and Cancer Research Wales for the help and care they provided.  A grand total of £670.00 was raised at the event and was shared between the two charities.

“It is through the generosity of local people arranging events such as this coffee morning; that we can continue to provide this much needed service for anyone in the later stages of any life limiting illness. The services are available free of charge, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.” Said Sandra Dade, Charity Manager at Paul Sartori Hospice at Home.


Paul Sartori Hospice at Home provides a range of services to Pembrokeshire people living in the final stages of a life-limiting illness, including home nursing care, equipment loan, complementary therapy, bereavement and counselling support, clinical nurse specialist in palliative care, physiotherapy, advance care planning and training.


The services provided by the Paul Sartori Hospice at Home enable people in the later stages of any life-limiting illness to be cared for and to die at home with dignity, independence, pain free and surrounded by those they hold most dear, if that is their wish.

Coffee Morning

Pictured: Prue and Julia presenting the cheque to Toni Dorkings, Community Fundraiser at Paul Sartori Hospice at Home

Read more Paul Sartori news here: https://paulsartori.org/news-feed/

Find out more about Upton Castle & Gardens here: https://www.uptoncastle.com/