Volunteer till operators are vital as they are often the main point of contact with customers. Till operators in our stores must offer excellent customer service and have the ability to relate to people in a friendly manner. An ability to multitask is beneficial as till operators may have to answer multiple enquiries while serving customers.
It is a lively role where an ability to connect with people is helpful especially when promoting Gift Aid, Gift Aid is an essential source of income for the Foundation. Volunteers find the role of till operator rewarding as they feel that they have been able to help customers and also help Paul Sartori Foundation.
Our till systems use touch screen technology which is very simple to use and full training is given, however till experience is preferred.

If you have good communication skills, want to learn something new and want to join the team to help provide a quality retail outlet generating much needed funds for the Paul Sartori Foundation then please become a volunteer today.
If you would like to join us as a volunteer, below are the documents you need.
Please read them all as they will give you lots of useful information:
The following documents do need to be returned to us once they are completed: Volunteer Registration Form and Volunteer Agreement.
Once you have completed them please email them to lisa@paulsartori.org
Check out our other volunteering roles:
Volunteer Upcycling Sales Assistant